Note: This article applies to both Prime 3 Haptic XR Gloves and Prime 3 Mocap Gloves

Note: This article applies to both Quantum Mocap Metagloves and Quantum XR Metagloves.


In the Gloves Panel, you can see all the devices you have currently connected.

You can see all dongles connected, all gloves paired to a dongle, all gloves connected wired, and all gloves ready to be paired to a dongle.

Each dongle and glove have a unique identifier you see next to their name.

Each glove will display their battery level, and each wireless connected glove will display its wireless connection quality.

You can also see the skeletal view of the hands and the data driving them.

When there is new firmware available for your connected devices, an exclamation icon will inform you about this.

You can also hide and unhide gloves from the viewport.


In the main Gloves viewport, you have several viewers. All of them feature the ID of the device in the top left corner.


Hand Viewer

In the Hand Viewer, you can take a look at your virtual hands.

You will be able to see directly what you’re doing with your physical hands.

Data Viewer

In the Data Viewer, you can take a look at the data driving your virtual hands.

Each of the bars relates to the angle of one of the joints in your hand.

Haptics Viewer

And when you’re using Haptic gloves, you can experience the vibro-tactile feedback on each of your fingers. Simply click one of the actuators to experience the localized tactile feedback.



When you select a glove, its details will be shown in the bottom right panel.

You can see the glove family type, its hardware revision as well as its firmware version.

You can also see its battery level.

For wirelessly connected gloves, it will show the wireless connection strength.

You also have the ability to unpair your glove from the dongle it is currently connected to.

Furthermore, you can start the glove calibration in the details panel.


When you select a dongle, its details will be shown in the bottom right panel, just like with gloves.

Here you can see the hardware revision of your dongle, as well as the firmware it's currently running.

Each dongle automatically selects the best available wireless channel when you start MANUS Core.

You can pick another wireless channel, and you can update the channel utilization overview.

With the channel selection menu, you can also manually select a specific channel.

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